Tea at the Theater: Frankenstein
Frankenstein 1930 is written by Fred Carmichael. The promotional material reads (sic) “harkens back to the Universal monster movies of the 1930s in a stage homage that features all the elements we love and remember from those films: the stonewalled laboratory, the crazed scientist, angry villagers, a swooning yet determined heroine, a fearful storm, and the hideous but sympathetic creature with its confused mind and powerful, undisciplined body. Can Victor Frankenstein and his fiancĂ©e Elizabeth subdue his deadly creation or will the final confrontation be the end of them all?”
Well, I guess you’ll just have to go to the Long Beach Playhouse and find out. It was definitely worth my time. Plenty of spooky and lots of laughs. And the intimate Main Stage is the ideal place to hold on to the edge of your seat. There’s just something about sitting around the stage with no curtain to hide the scene changes. Kind of like sitting around the campfire telling ghost stories.
A little bit more on my tea pairing.

For Frankenstein 1930 I chose Caramel Apple from The Republic of Tea. This is a caffeine-free rooibos with apples, vanilla, and natural flavors. I like it with a splash of milk or actually half and half. You may like it plain or some other way. It is just the thing for a crisp autumn evening and a spooky play at the theater.
See the video Tea at the Theater: Frankenstein 1930 on YouTube.
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