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The 20 Minute Homeschool – The 3 Rs

The 20-Minute Homeschool – part 2 – The 3 Rs: reading, writing, arithmetic

Getting your child on the road to self-directed learning in your 20-minute homeschool starts with the 3 Rs: reading, writing, and arithmetic. If you are starting with an older child, this has probably already been accomplished. But you will want to tailor it to the routine you’re trying to achieve. What I mean by this is that you will want to have a routine where the child is reading for a certain amount of time, writing for a certain amount of time, and working on math problems for a certain amount of time every day.

This is the foundation for everything else.

Reading can be your choice, the child’s choice, or a combination of the two. Writing should be at least a full page. But not overwhelming because corrections will also need to be made in spelling, grammar, and perhaps structure. Arithmetic can just be one lesson per day. This may not seem like very much but it is an accomplishment. Especially if you are using a program such as Saxon.

This also does not need to be done in one day every single day.

You may work on reading one day, writing the next, and math the following. When you are done with your session with your child they can then enjoy looking at books, flashcards, and other manipulatives as they learn naturally through play.

If you’re starting with a young child who has not even begun school or has not mastered the art of reading, writing, and basic math functions then instead of correcting assignments, spend your 20 minutes reading to your child. Helping them learn how to write. Helping them with their math facts. Counting. Identifying letters and numbers.

In my book, I have an entire chapter devoted to free internet resources to help you with this.

Homeschooling is about the rate and the style at which your child learns.

Don’t be bullied by where other people or even your own past experience says they “should” be. Because it’s not necessarily true.

There are many excellent programs to choose from. Again, my book lists many resources for curriculum and free internet aids and where to look in the library and stuff.

For more info on how to homeschool check out my book:

The Working Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling, by Robyn Dolan. Available in Kindle and paperback versions on Amazon and other e-reader and paperback versions at or your favorite retailer.

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