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Hamilton and Peggy!: A Revolutionary Friendship – Review

Hamilton and Peggy!: A Revolutionary Friendship, by L. M. Elliott

I’m totally geeking out on this book!

Not only is it well written but I’m finding that the author is well versed in my love – English country dance. Her descriptions of the dances and the costume of the era are captivating.

If you are a fan of the Broadway musical Hamilton,

if you enjoy American History, and especially if you don’t – this is the book for you! It is a “living book” that brings life to those dull and dry dates and events we had to read about in textbooks.

This book of historical fiction

is about the friendship between Alexander Hamilton and his wife Eliza’s sister Peggy. Peggy’s close relationship with her sisters is well documented. Author Laura Elliot’s writing shows that she has done her homework. The book takes an interesting look at Peggy’s possible and factual role in the Revolutionary War and the founding of the United States of America. And also her possible influence on her sister Eliza’s marriage to Hamilton. Peggy is portrayed as an early feminist during a time long before women were accepted or acknowledged to be leaders and influencers.

Amid the “what-ifs” and some perhaps fanciful notions of what goes on with the main characters, are portrayals of daily life researched through original letters and journals. Sprinkled throughout are actual letters from Hamilton, Eliza, and Peggy to each other, which helps lend credibility to the story.

Although the lesser role of women and the lesser credibility given to the role of women in history always irritates me, the respect shown now and then by the men in this story is refreshing. The frustration of the typical women’s role is palpable in the interactions and conversations between the sisters and the internal dialogue of Peggy.

I recommend this book for ages 10 and up. I listened to it on Audible and very much enjoyed Cassandra Campbell’s narration.

Hamilton and Peggy!: A Revolutionary Friendship, by L. M. Elliott, (c) 2018, Harper Collins Publishers

Check out the video on YouTube.

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