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A Big Mistake and More Heartbreak

face of white boxer standing on stone patio

story title a big mistake and more heartbreak

1/24/2022 Monday

All of a sudden the old journal entries that I was going to post seem pointless. I went to the pound just before Christmas and adopted two dogs who got along fine for about 3 weeks. Then they started having daily vicious fights. I tried every recommended technique to break them up but the only thing that worked was two people each getting hold of one collar without getting bitten and waiting for the dogs to let go of each other’s faces to pull them apart. This was not going to work over the long term which is what it would take to gently train this behavior out of them. And keeping them separated in kennels or with muzzles just seemed too cruel. So I had to return one to the pound.

Another heartbreak.

But my consolation is that the one I kept is an absolute joy. Cookie Monster is a white boxer. She came with kennel cough and unspayed. Also severely underweight. 40 pounds for a fully grown boxer. She looked like the skeleton dog at the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. By the time I brought her to her first vet appointment she had gained 5 pounds. But she was still being treated for kennel cough. At her next appointment, she had lost a couple of pounds but that was right after the week of dog fights. She has been spayed and I hope she is on the road to a healthy future.

She follows me everywhere.

Right now we are working on getting in and out of the RV. She was too terrified to get in while it was running but she can now get out while it is running. She is becoming very good at waiting at the door before going in or out of the house or the RV. We’re not taking walks until she recovers from the spay but she did very well on the ones we took before she had the procedure done. She is so tiny that when she pulls it’s not a big deal. The no-pull harness helps a lot. We are working on socialization with the cat right now. I believe that is going to take forever. She does not have a barking problem thank goodness. But she does really want to chase that cat. She is also quite fascinated with this dancing I do with these funny little boxes of people on the computer. She has even tried a few little dance steps with me.

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