California schools may re-open in July? I cannot even fathom how we are going to keep our children safe from this virus when our classrooms were already overcrowded before. And getting kids to wear facemasks and possibly gloves for 8 plus hours a day? What are you thinking, Newsom?
Our educational system already needs an overhaul.
Distance learning does not and should not work like classroom learning. I think remote education could work so much better than institutional scholarship, but it needs time to evolve. Time for trial and error. Time to change up the curriculum to be more relevant to our children’s current and future needs. This could certainly make strides over the coming months. With shorter hours, remote learning could continue throughout the summer. Because where are we gonna go, anyway?

I am a homeschooler.
I do not have the answers for the school system. But I do know that individualized learning and personal attention will be key for education overall going forward.
I am completely in favor of more students schooling online. Many “homeschoolers” already use online charter schools or online public school. It is just part of school choice. Consequently, this could further reduce the pressure on sticks and bricks classroom teachers.

Redirect some of those state and federal funds to hire more teachers and reduce class sizes.
Reduce online classroom time to assignments and explanations. Then increase time for online teachers to work with one student or one small group at a time. Reduce overhead and crowding at sticks and bricks schools.
Furthermore, whatever we do, let’s look to those who have gone before – Singapore, China, even Germany – lifting restrictions on social distancing and experiencing a second wave of death and devastation. Dead kids don’t grow up to be taxpayers. As a result, there is no sense in “reopening the economy” just to have to shut it down again in a month or two. Let’s get a vaccine going. Let’s get fast, accurate testing going. Let’s get a system of personal protective practices going. Then evaluate and think about how to reopen schools and the economy.

California schools may re-open. Please, let’s not. Not yet.
#stayathome #inthistogether