Get Out of the City and Thrive is a guide for deciding whether moving to the country is for you, or if maybe what you need is just a minor lifestyle change. This book is about how I came to the decision to move to the country, the plans I made and the steps I took to do it, and some things I didn’t do that I should have. If you decide homesteading is for you, Get Out of the City and Thrive serves as a checklist for what to consider and how to proceed to move out of the rat race, into a slower, more satisfying life.
Get Out of the City and Thrive is in 3 parts.

Book 1 – How I did it and How You Can Too!
This first book tells you how to make your decision and get started.
Chapters include: Evaluating Your Job, Your Financials, Your Lifestyle, and practical information on how to choose a location, Packing Up and Moving Out, and Making an Action Plan. Extensive resources at the back of the book include websites, books, and YouTube channels to investigate for more tips, professional help, and ideas.

https://amzn.to/30OJZjV paperback
Book 2 – Milking the Wild Goat – How to Find Land and Set up Your Homestead
In this installment, I show you how to get it done! From how to find your land, to temporary and permanent living structures. How to start gardening; making stuff from scratch when you’re 50 miles from the nearest store; raising goats, pigs, chickens, horses and more. And yes, you can have a social life out in the boonies.
Chapters include: Living in an RV, A Camper and Two Tents, The House, Milking the Wild Goat, Chickens and Other Fowl Creatures, Llamas – Go Figure, Marvelous Mabel the Dancing Jersey Milk Cow, Death on the Homestead, The Neighbors, Baseball, and more. Resources at the back of the book include websites, books, and YouTube channels for more ideas and professional help.

https://amzn.to/2nlaiAB paperback
Book 3 – Paying for the Dream – How to Thrive on Your Homestead
This final volume is what makes it all possible: how to pay the bills!
Chapters include How am I going to Pay for all this? Self Employment; Online; Consulting; Getting a Job; Collecting Payment; Making a Living from the Homestead Itself. Extensive resources at the back of the book include websites, books, and YouTube channels to investigate for more tips, professional help, and ideas.
[…] and works in progress. Topics will include writing, music, and historical dancing, homeschooling, simple, sustainable living, elder care, historical sewing, gardening and travel. And tea. Because plain old water gets […]
[…] and their horses negotiating the muddy washes and foothills of Northern Arizona. It calls to mind my 15 years of adventure there, raising all manner of critters on a 10-acre homestead. And enduring crazy monsoon lightning […]